Monday 4 March 2013

Day 3... Montville

Day 3... Montville...

Montville is definitely one of the cleanest and prettiest towns that I have ever visited... I walked up and down the main street, wandered through parks and drove around the surrounding neighbourhood... and everything was so pristine. Usually there is always some grunge... somewhere in a town... but if there is any in Montville... they hide it very well!

Such a charming main street... a nice balance between new and old... there was lots to look at. I couldn't help but remember when I visited there as a kid... I thought it was so magical! The shops were full of lovely things that delighted my senses... colourful toys (how charming is the toy soldier?!), aromatic candles, wood, tin, chocolate, liqueur, clothing, art... sigh... the list goes on and on. My favourite shop that I went into was a specialty liqueur shop... so pretty!! There were shelves and shelves of different shaped bottles, filled with so many different coloured and flavoured liqueurs... my favourite was a bright pink, musk flavoured liqueur that had flecks of sparkly gold through it... it was so girly and I loved it!! :)

I must say.. that while I was walking around taking photos... I found myself becoming frustrated... Why?? Because everything was so pretty and perfect and although I was looking and looking ... I couldn't find anything that was unsightly or out of place... and it was annoying me! But... then that got me thinking... why was it so important to me to find a 'dark mark'? Why couldn't I just enjoy the untarnished environment, that is Montville? The answer... I don't know... ?? Maybe I have unlearned how to just stop and smell the roses? Maybe things appearing so perfect and unsullied just doesn't feel real to me? (The most out of place thing that I saw, was a loose paling on a fence... ha!) Regardless... it made me stop and appreciate what I WAS seeing... not what I couldn't... and that was a good thing.

17,952kms on the dash... 1,007kms down...


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