Tuesday 5 March 2013

Day 4... Murwillumbah

Day 4... Murwillumbah...

I started my day feeling soooooo tired! I really must, SOMEHOW, train myself to go to sleep earlier...

Murwillumbah is an interesting town... it reminded me of a patchwork quilt... there were so many different elements at play... it was quite overwhelming for me. The buildings on the main street were a mixture of beautiful and old and cheaply built new ones... I loved the shape and lines of the old buildings. The sidewalks were busy and the shops even busier. I went into one shop only... it was a little 'antique' shop filled with lots of interesting things - rusty old farm equipment, furniture, dolls, old kids books (they were great!) and a nice selection of old cameras and lenses... I must admit I really liked that section. :)

My favourite part of the town was the legal graffiti wall. It was so colourful and dynamic and it stretched along the bank of the tweed river for about 2kms. I am in awe and am amazed by the talent and the grit that goes into a good piece of graffiti art... the lines so fluid and the colours pop and bang out at you... Exploring the muddy, soggy, drizzly river bank was fun.

On the way home I made a short detour out towards Springbrook National Park... I didn't have enough time to get all the way out there... but I did have time to have a peaceful and winding drive through the the lovely trees... there were so many interesting places that I wish I had have had time to explore... a herb farm, a spice farm/shop, cute little farm houses, churches and cafes nestled amongst the trees... each bend in the road exposed something new. I was driving past one of the many meadows when I saw a car down in a ditch next to the road... it was burnt out and rusted and... it excited me. The colours on the car were so beautiful and the cars position and the state that it was in clashed with the greens of the encroaching natural world... it made me happy. And...  I think (surprisingly) it was the best part of my day...

All in all today was weird... I felt a bit introverted and lack lustre and struggled for clarity... I am, however, glad that BEAUTY was able to reach out its flirtatious tendrils and grab my attention regardless of my grey and dreary outlook...

18,219kms on the dash... 1,274kms down...


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